Worship with us

This Sunday, 3/9, is the first Sunday in Church Season called Lent.  Throughout the Bible we see God using 40 days or even 40 years to help us understand His will and His way.    Lent is the 40 days that lead us to Holy Week and Easter.  Starting on Ash Wednesday, March 5 we begin the 40-day march through the season of Lent.   We will begin this march with an Ash Wednesday service at 4:30 p.m. and continue with  midweek services at both campuses until Holy Week in April.

This week's sermon is entitled: "God's Narrative: The Cost "

Please join us for Sunday morning worship at 10:00 a.m. at either the Lodi and Valley Springs church campus.  

We celebrate Holy Communion on the first and third Sunday of each month.

We invite you to join us at either one of our campuses:

           Zion Lutheran Church - 105 S. Ham Lane  Lodi, CA 95242

           Foothill Lutheran Church - 225 E HWY 12   Valley Springs, CA 95252

Or, You can join us in digital worship through our livestream by clicking on the following link:

You Tube Livestream